Have you had a persistent pain or mysterious body symptom for a while and are beginning to wonder if it has emotional roots?
(But have no idea how to find out what they might be and how to release/resolve them)
Sometimes in life we get aches and pains in our body, or strange things like rashes or sensory symptoms (like tinnitus) that pop up. If you’re like me, you live with it for a little while, wondering if it’s just going to go away on its own.
Sometimes it does.
But sometimes it doesn’t.
So you start asking questions. If you want to freak yourself out, you go straight to Dr. Google and do a search for your symptoms. Otherwise, you start with a visit to your doctor or walk-in clinic. If you’re alternatively inclined, you go see your naturopath or your Chinese Medicine practitioner.
And maybe the course of action that these well-trained people suggest relieves your symptoms.
Sometimes it does.
But sometimes it doesn’t.
Now you are tracking a mystery. Now you are dealing with something inexplicable.
If you’re like me, you let it ebb and flow for a while - getting better, getting worse.
Actually, this pain can be what I might call “existential” also: what I am doing here, how is this my life, what can I change?
Eventually, we start to get really tired of this thing.
My guess is that this is where you are right now.
How I can help you with your pain or stuck place:
I offer one-on-one healing sessions to uncover the emotional roots of your physical pain or stuck place in life.
I specialize in uncovering and repairing the emotional trauma from dental/surgical work, and preparing the body/mind for upcoming dental/medical interventions so that deep healing and completion of that procedure is possible.
I offer 90 minute tarot readings to help you through those times in life when you are moving around in the same, frustrating cycle or pattern in your life.
I am Rachel Warrington.
I’ve been a seeker my whole life, though perhaps I only realized this when I was in my late teens. I became entranced by all things esoteric and magical. So when it came to inquiring into my own life, I went the route of seeking out healers instead of doctors or counsellors. I got myself into what I thought was a reasonable state of health in my 20’s.
Then it all fell apart when I had my babies at 31 and 33. I plummeted into a depression that I didn’t know was a depression. And I had this rash that wouldn’t go away no matter what I did. I turned to the same methods of inquiry that had helped me in my 20’s. I saw a herbalist, a shamanic healer, several different BodyTalkers. I started to heal myself of this rash.
In those seven years I learned some things about myself and about humans in general - in particular about the emotional roots of pain and physical symptoms. It took learning two things to heal that rash. The first was that I hadn’t been treating myself with any kind of love and kindness - and repairing that as best I could. The second was realizing that I had an incredibly hard time allowing myself to feel what I was feeling.
It took me seven years to be completely rash free.
In that time I trained as a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner and completed a two-year training program in shamanic healing techniques. I have been practicing as a healer for five years.
I fall a little bit in love with the vulnerable human that I see in all of my clients.
We could be a good fit for each other if:
Something is going on in your body that doesn’t feel good and that neither you nor your doctors understand or can fix (you’ve already checked off the usual ways of diagnosing these things).
You strongly suspect it has emotional roots to it (but don’t know how to address that).
You have experienced physical trauma (abuse, acute injuries, dental or surgical interventions) after which you felt you never recovered, even though you’ve tried counselling and various physical therapies.
There are family patterns and stories that you know are holding you back (and you wonder if these are connected to your current symptoms).
I have a special place in my heart for people who:
love metaphor, story, archetypes and mythology as a way of understanding their life
soak up art and literature (or cat memes) through their souls, or wish they had the time to.
breathe more deeply when they get outside with their feet on the bare Earth.
care for their people the best they can, or who long to have people to care for.
maybe aren’t so good at small talk, but who share the pulsing heart of their life and dreams when it’s safe, and who dare to, even sometimes when it isn’t.
speak up when they see something that goes against the deep core of their care for humans, creatures, and the planet we live on.
want the straight, grounded goods and not a lot of woo-woo fluffy stuff (even though you are considering seeing an intuitive healer…).
somehow feel people are real-er if they drop the occasional swear.
would like to be cared for with the warmth and fierceness of an auntie who is firmly in support of you.
What some people have said about working with me:
"A session with her is worth every moment!"
In the 8-months that I have been working with Rachel, I have seen, felt and experienced such big and significant changes, I can hardly believe it. The combination of BodyTalk, Shamanism, and Rachel's own experiences and personality combine to provide what has been the most powerful, potent healing and change catalyst that I have experienced so far. It's like we did more in those eight months than in the previous 2-3 years of work put together!
One of the greatest of her many, many gifts is her way with words. I love how straightforward and direct Rachel is in her delivery, and how she says things in such a loving, compassionate, understanding way. Her ability to see so much of what is and has been going on - the patterns, the relationship dynamics, the challenges - is one half of her gift, and the ability to share it in a way that resonates and makes things so clear is the second half.
I recommend Rachel to people all the time. A session with her is worth every moment!
Erica Fritch, Victoria BC
"I feel softer, more open and more together as a person after a Rachel session"
Working with Rachel is very special. It is a comfortable room, overlooking the ocean in VicWest. Rachel is warm and welcoming. Her sessions seem a marvel of blended magic, BodyTalk, shamanic techniques, where I always feel much better afterwards: peaceful and contemplative. Rachel is intuitive, always able to pick up life stages, held body issues and talk about them in a way that helps me to build insight, acceptance and move bit by bit to a deeper level of self growth. Of course life gets in way often and my old patterns return and it is wonderful to get “re-set” by Rachel. I feel softer, more open and more together as a person after a Rachel session. So glad her service is available and it is incredibly helpful to my life satisfaction. I have recommended her to friends who feel the same way.
Linda, Victoria BC
"I feel like I can breathe again"
Rachel I am so blessed to have met you. I cannot really find the words to describe how I'm feeling. I have tried lots of alternative therapies over the years but have not felt the way I do after your healing session. Thank you so much for your guidance, your gift and your compassionate nature. I feel like I am finally making a breakthrough and that I'm not so stuck. All I can describe right now is that I feel present in my own body. A feeling I haven't felt in a long time.I am looking forward to my next meeting with you. Thank you for your support, I feel like I can breathe again.